Shaver Stump Grinders

shaver_web_296x196_Stumpbuster_overallShaver manufactures two models of stump grinder, The SC-25 and the SC-50. Shaver grinders are built to last with rugged frame construction, and simple designs.  both models are available with a three point tractor mount or a skidsteer mount.  The tractor mounted machines use a 540 PTO drive while the skid steer units are hydraulic drive.  Both size machines can grind up to a 45 inch diameter stump.

The SC-25 is designed for use on a small tractor between 15-35 hp with a cat I hitch.  Shaver uses a 24 inch cutting disk on the SC-25 and will cut down to 10 inches below the ground.  

The heavier SC-50 is built for use on a 34-100 hp tractor with a cat II hitch.  The larger 34 inch cutting wheel adds a large amount of cutting power to the SC-50 to make this machine capable of grinding up even the hardest stumps in minutes.  The SC-50 can grind down to 12 inches below ground.